Also see Tere's coverage of Speedfest and and
Above: Fiat Jolly, known for the wicker seats
The only race car in it's division with pinstriping... yes, another race car was at Speedfest with pinstriping, or maybe 2.. the AMX's
Even striped on the side view mirrors
"I get by with a little help from my friends"
This driver looks as calm on the pre race grid as he does on the track
Military getting a ride in a race car, very cramped, but very cool
Above: Having fun, and ain't it cool?!
Above: Some people have grocery getters, this guy has a coffee getter
Yeah, this guy sticks out among the race car owners and drivers... I've got no idea what he is doing dressed like this, but I believe he owns the 711 Porsche
Notes in the pits
Only one guy has this ring.
This is Jim Wangers, godfather of the GTO... and Tere was asking him some questions
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