Comparison between 60's compacts, and '08 compacts

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Beware of cops hiding around corners... don't roll through this stop sign at the Southbound 805 exit at Adams Ave

Hard to see the cop car in front of the Ford truck, isn't it... but he is nice enough to walk out and wave over people who roll through thte stop sign, and give them a 300 dollar ticket for not coming to a full stop Not easy to see him, and he parked liked that very deliberately. Well done officer Here he is writing a ticket for the silver...
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Here's a new way to do self guided tours of a few cities... San Diego, San Fran, Miami, Barcelona, and Lisbon

A bit pricey to me, 1st hour $49, 2nd hour $39, Each additional hour $29 But a pretty cool way to zip around the city and enjoy the perfect San Diego weather, a Time Magazine "Invention of the Year", and the typical GPS guided tour is an hour and a half:
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Great use of old car parts

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Good license plate

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Nissan Pao, right hand drive, and very cute for a newer car

try a 70 mpg at 40mph! 1000cc motor, 51 Hp. for a article and galleryClosely realted to another cute little Nissan, the Figaro:
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Wow, how the Atomic Punk was built.. Find the trunk of a Savoy, make a bubble, section a bumper..!

Via:'ve got to get over to Scooter's and enjoy ...
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Scooter McRad's blog, you've got to look it over, besides posting great stuff, he's almost finished with a hemi powered rat rod for a post on his hot rod take a look through http://scootermcrad.blogspot....
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Great car photography

Above is a slightly different angle from the same photographer and via: via http://scootermcrad.blogspot.c...
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Get ready before the snow falls, make a snow motor from an old tractor or Model T

above: One of these is at the Heidrick Agriculture Museum and History Center / 1962 Hays Lane / Woodland, California 95776Images from the video if this in deep snow, and staying on top like it can levitate or something
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John A McCurdy, Silver Dart, 1909, Nova Scotia

Imagine that you are in 1909, and taking this out for its maiden voyage... hoping all the nuts and bolts are tight, and that nothing was forgotten in the final assembly.It was flown off the ice of Baddeck Bay Nova Scotia, on 23 February 1909, making it the first controlled powered flight in Canada. The aircraft was piloted by one of its...
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The Peter Mullin auto museum, not open yet, but soon

Celebrating the art deco movement, the French Curves Collection exemplifies the zenith of the French automobile, including beautifully styled and amazingly engineered French-built cars covering several decades: Bugattis, Delages, Delahayes, Hispano Suizas, Talbot-Lagos and Voisins, many have won awards at concours d'elegance, and a number...
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Great tribute website to recommend

This is the rare XK-SS Jaguar that (I didn't know) Von Dutch made a glove box door for, because the open box was always spilling it's contents, and Steve was fed up with that is a bike builders other website about the influential people from his formative years... like Von Dutch, Ed Roth, Steve McQueen,...
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Bitchin art from Motorcycle Art blogspot

Above, by Krazy Dotty Now that is cool, making pinstiping 3DVia: http://motorcycleart.blogspot.c...
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Photos of Steve McQueen from MC Art Webzine

For the full text from this article see: This is a Meyers Lynx (yes, like the Meyers company that made the Manx dune buggy)Via: http://motorcycleart.blogspot.c...
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Photos of Ed Roth were found in Life archives by MC Art Webzine

I'd never heard of Ed's bike... he called it "oink!" I love that Via:http://motorcycleart.blogspot.c...
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More Roth advertising!

I found another fan of Roth! See more at http://motorcycleart.blogspot.c...
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I recently learned that my granddad had a GT350... and this is the only photo of it I know about

After my granddad it belonged to my Uncle Kirk (pictured)Thanks to my cousins Caitlin, Becky, and Bruce for collectively making it possible for me to post this photo!From my Uncle "one of the first 500 gT350s actually. He also knew Carrol Shelby somehow and paid 4280 dollars for it if my memory is correct. When he died it went to your Uncle...
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A Von Dutch Thing I never heard of... wow

For all the info, go to the link: I dig how Von Dutch labeled stuff, and had a sense of humor Via: And definitely check out for a Von Dutch article in a chopper magaz...
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I don't remember where I found these images... but they are very cool

I think this one was from Pixdaus or Shorpy Ah HA! that's where I got them! Skylar's facebook page! thanks man! This photo of the Chi Town Hustler was taken by Denis Scott by the Buckinham fountain in Chicago in the '70's.It ran in the Chicago Sun Times magazine section, Pat Minnick was the dri...
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