Big rear view mirrors, the better to see you with, on the pre race grid, Saturday's Fleetweek Speedfest

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On walkabout Saturday, at Fleetweek Speedfest

patina on a Vette? I don't see that often... and it's got a Ratfink, ergo, it gets posted The military aren't charged for the event, but have to be there in dress uniform. I always hated that, having to be in dress uniform at an event where you are likely to get dirty, just think about all the brake and rubber dust.When is the last time...
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Before and after the races, Saturday, Fleetweek Speedfest

Also see Tere's coverage of Speedfest and and That is a happy expression! The owner of the car I...
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action sequences from Speedfest, a spin out causing yellow flags, the only crash of the day, and powering through a corner smoothly

in the above, you can see it hasn't come to a halt yet, and the wheel clip is sill in the air, next to the front of the rear tire...
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