Russian May Day parade of military vehicles
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Zeel Design choppers 103Cu superchar...
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Games to keep your mind off the drive has several, most of them I've never heard of.I have used the 'farthest state plate' to keep my mind active and looking around, and when on a long drive with someone else the name game is a fun and competitive way to see who can start the next name with the last letter of the previous full name. ie Jack PalancE to Emilio EsteveS to Steven SpielberG to George Burns. This was a great...
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Save the date for Encinitas Cruise, June 19

June 19Rods & Woodies Classic Car Show 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. every third Thursday through Sept. 18, South Coast Highway 101 between H and D streets, Encinitas.Info: or (760) 943-1950.
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ASE cerification test study guide company
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Another cool photographer

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Technically true

Mattell is the largest car maker in the world, at 5 million toy cars a month.
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I like these, but can't recall where I found them

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Great all around photographer

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Old photography website,

Cars and photograhy, a picture of both my favorite things in one. 1924 Harley used by the Post Office for Special Delivery. Not a chance in a zillion they'd ever buy a Harley nowadays for postal deliveriesVia http://www.shorpy.c...
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WW2 warbirds

I think both of these were from http://pixdaus.c...
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Edgar's 2+2... immaculate

Cool looking AC controls I've never seen before, looks like they took the controls of a radio and replaced the interna...
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1974 GTO... rare red white and blue, gotta give credit for restoring this and bringing it out to car shows

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Beautiful GTO

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1960 Bonneville 4 door

Magi Cruise?!? No kidding, that was a bonafide approved sales idea? I get it, that it's a early cruise control, and that is very cool! But the name, Magi Cruise? Way too childish. Of course "Wonder Bar" must have came from the same ad agency exec. This is the strongest looking grab bar I've seen! This wraparound rear window, wow, that's...
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